Past Issue
Western Art Collector 129
May 2018
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 129 of Western Art CollectorFeatures
Western Dedication
The Western Aesthetic
Dan Ostermiller: Bronze Gone Wild
Logan Maxwell Hagege: Dreams From a Big City
Upcoming Solo & Group Shows
Special Sections
State of the Art: New Mexico
City Focus: Taos
Collector’s Focus: Painting Canyons and Deserts
Collector’s Focus: Art of the Horse
Oil Painters of America’s 27th annual National Juried Exhibition
Oil Painters of America
Phippen Western Art Show & Sale
Auction Previews
Heritage Auction’s American Art Auction
Dallas, TX
Christie’s American Art Auction
New York, NY
Sotheby’s American Art Auction
New York, NY
Heritage Auction’s Texas Art Auction
Dallas, TX
One Trader’s Legacy: Steve Getzwiller Collects the West
Wickenburg, AZ
Auction Reports
The Russell
Great Falls, MT
Calling Coast to Coast
Western Art News
Recently Acquired
Curating the West
Western Art Trail
Artist Focus