Past Issue
Western Art Collector 132
August 2018
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 132 of Western Art CollectorFeatures
Mystery in the Water
Robert Griffing
Along the Trail
Trailside at 55
The Montana 6
New Mexican Narratives
Upcoming Solo & Group Shows
Special Sections
State of the Art: Montana
City Focus: Bozeman
Collector’s Focus: Winged Creatures
Collector’s Focus: Farms and Barns
Artists for Conservation
Hold Your Horses!
Auction Previews
Altermann Galleries & Auctioneers’ Santa Fe Sale
Santa Fe, NM
Heritage of the West: Charles M. Russell
Wichita, KS
A Timeless Legacy
Kalispell, MT
Bighorn Rendezvous
Big Horn, WY
Maynard Dixon Country
Mount Carmel, UT
The Surging, Thundering Herd: Vintage Bison Engravings, 1758-1910
Billings, MT
Auction Reports
Prix de West
Oklahoma City, OK
Western Art News
Curating the West
Recently Acquired
Western Art Trail