Past Issue
Western Art Collector 146
October 2019
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 146 of Western Art CollectorFeatures
Maynard Dixon: Deacon of the Desert
The Woolaroc Retrospective Exhibit & Sale
Tim Solliday: Truth & Beauty
On the Banks
Upcoming Solo & Group Shows
Lindsay Scott
The feel of nature
Doug West
Dale Terbush
Mystical subjects
Donna Howell-Sickles & Linda Lillegraven
Cowgirl country
Vibrant Expressions
25 new works
Special Sections
Western Museum Directory
State of the Art: Utah
Auction Previews
Collector’s Focus: Visions of the Fall
By Beauty Obsessed: Gilbert Waldman Collects the West
Hear the Whistle Blow! Art of the Railway
O.C. Seltzer’s West
Cherokee Art Market
Coeur d’Alene Art Auction
Western Art News
Visual Feast
Western Art Trail
Western Makers
Curating the West