Past Issue
Western Art Collector 60
August 2012
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 60 of Western Art CollectorFeatures
Freedom: The lifelong work of Carole Cooke
By John Geraghty
The Big Picture: Tony Abeyta
By Christy A. Vezolles
John and Terri Kelly Moyers
John Moyers' studio in Campo Conejo. Photo by Dan Barsotti
All Over the Map: John and Terri Kelly Moyers
By Joshua Rose
Special Sections
State of the Art: Montana
Icons of the West
Contemporary Native American Art
Auction Previews
Altermann Galleries Art Auction August Auction
Santa Fe, NM
Auction In Santa Fe
Santa Fe, NM
SWAIA Indian Market
Santa Fe, NM
The Santa Fe Show: Objects of Art
Santa Fe, NM
Whitehawk Antique Shows
Santa Fe, NM
Western Rendezvous of Art
Helena, MT
Maynard Dixon Country
Mt. Carmel, UT
America's Horse in Art
Amarillo, TX
American Plains Artists
Midland, TX
Auction Reports
Prix de West
Oklahoma City, OK
The Savvy Collector's Preview Guide
Wyoming Art News
New Mexico Art News
Western Museum Roundup and Recently Acquired
Artist Focus Pages