Past Issue
Western Art Collector 63
November 2012
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 63 of Western Art CollectorFeatures
Timeless Narratives: Z.S. Liang
By John Geraghty
As the Crow Flies: Arturo Chávez
By John O'Hern
Special Sections
Sporting Art
Introduction by James D. Balestrieri
Western Miniatures and Small Works
Auction Previews
Santa Fe Art Auction
Santa Fe, NM
Western and California Art Auction
Dallas, TX
Texas and American Indian Art Auctions
Dallas, TX
Altermann Galleries Auction in Santa Fe
Santa Fe, NM
The West Select: A New Western Classic
Phoenix, AZ
42nd annual Waterfowl Festival
Easton, MD
In the Footsteps of Thomas Moran Plein Air Art Invitational
Zion National Park, UT
Small Works Great Wonders
Oklahoma City, OK
American Indian Arts Marketplace™
Los Angeles, CA
Auction Reports
Jackson Hole Art Auction
Jackson, WY
Quest for the West
Indianapolis, IN
The Savvy Collector's Preview Guide
Western Museum Roundup and Recently Acquired
Artist Focus Pages