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01 -  Spirit Filled

01 - Spirit Filled

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Panel
12 x 12 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
"Who does not love horses? They are a beautiful animal with as many different personalities as us humans. Nothing more beautiful than a horse running wild and free or standing, ready to fly with the wind flowing through his mane. An artist's dream to paint!" Teresa Lynn Johnson

02 - Winter Song

02 - Winter Song

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Panel
11 x 14 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
Winter Song , the beauty of nature in the winter.

03 - Morning Light

03 - Morning Light

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Panel
12 x 16 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
Watching the morning light appear with all its warmth in contrast to the crisp morning snow creates a feeling of hope.

04 - Cool Water

04 - Cool Water

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Linen
24 x 18 x 1.5 inches (L x W x D)
A joy to spend the morning with this beautiful animal catching color notes on a study which I used for this studio painting.

05 - Just Soar

05 - Just Soar

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Panel
14 x 18 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
Many times I will see a hawk soaring on the thermals on our property. Gives me such a sense of freedom and how blessed are we to be free and allowed to soar in our lives.

07 - Reminders of Fall

07 - Reminders of Fall

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Panel
12 x 9 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
Fall colors are so beautiful, the colors on this vase along with the fall leaves, gives a feeling of fall coming our way

07 - To Roam Once More

07 - To Roam Once More

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Linen
24 x 36 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
I feel can almost identify with this buffalo longing for the freedoms they once possessed. Room to roam without fear.

08 - Tammy's Ring

08 - Tammy's Ring

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Canvas
18 x 24 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
A chance to challenge myself, painting turquoise and beads!

Aspen Confetti

Aspen Confetti

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Linen
12 x 16 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
Aspen leaves twirling, fluttering and falling to the ground in beautiful fall season. The leaves remind me of confetti, a joyous occasion.

Beauty Without Vanity

Beauty Without Vanity

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Linen
24 x 30 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
Horses are such beautiful animals. To me they represent beauty, strength, and loyalty and a sense of freedom



Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Linen
18 x 24 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
These mountains in Colorado give me a sense of hope!

Moose Crossing

Moose Crossing

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Linen
24 x 30 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
Moose are fascinating animals. They are so very large but yet so graceful when they move.

New Direction

New Direction

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Panel
16 x 12 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
"New Direction" is an experimentation with a tonal monochromatic painting .

Seasons Come and Go

Seasons Come and Go

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil - Linen on Aluminum Panel
18 x 24 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
Season's Come and Go, This young mule deer came through my pasture and spent a few moments considering the stalks of flowers that had just gone through their first freeze and snowfall.

Summer Melody

Summer Melody

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Panel
14 x 11 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
Beside still waters I hear the melody of summer!

The Charm of Paints

The Charm of Paints

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Oil on Panel
12 x 16 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
These paint horses were interesting with their various patterns of colors.