Darcie Peet
4/1/2023 - 4/30/2023
1. Tumble into Aqua Shimmer
Darcie Peet
36 x 24 inches (L x W)
After a long, hot day of hiking in Glacier National Park, we set out on our last hike of the day for a cool change. On the east side of the park, just past St. Mary’s Falls a short hike will take one through sun-dappled, evergreen forest and along a gurgling stream to Virginia Falls. Dropping into shallow, aqua pools strewn with pebbles of all colors, it’s cooling mist was a refreshing change to our earlier day of hiking.
For Sale. $6200. Available through ArtzLine, America’s Online Gallery, 800-958-5360, www.artzline.com/darcie-peet/ www.darciepeet.com

2. Where Water is Precious
Darcie Peet
12 x 16 inches (L x W)
At the base of the Tetons outside of Jackson, WY, irrigation ditches criss-cross the valley and sweeping ranchland. They are key in storing and delivering water to ranches, farms, businesses, parks and homes during the valuable growing seasons of April-October. Here the quiet water of this pasture section, reflecting the azure-blue sky above, is edged with tall, graceful grasses and colorful wildflowers.
For Sale. $2000 Available through ArtzLine, America’s Online Gallery, 800-958-5360, www.artzline.com/darcie-peet/ www.darciepeet.com

3. Patterns-After a Desert Rain
Darcie Peet
18 x 24 inches (L x W)
Feast or famine… dry most of the year, a winter rain or summer monsoon can suddenly transform a desert wash into a rushing stream or here, a quiet pattern of rivulets and streamlets meandering and criss-crossing the broad wash. At sundown the storm clouds reflect a host of colors across the water almost like an abstract painting. Soon to recede and dry, all sorts of new, distinct, sand channels will be formed. Vital to the creatures and plants of the desert, they are also full of creative surprises and painting inspiration.
For Sale. $3900. Available through ArtzLine, America’s Online Gallery, 800-958-5360, www.artzline.com/darcie-peet/ www.darciepeet.com

4. Summer's Wildflower Parade
Darcie Peet
20 x 30 inches (L x W)
Grays and Torreys Peaks, two of Colorado’s most popular “fourteeners,” rise across Lake Dillon in the soft, pastel colors of early morning. Summer wildflowers are at their peak in July as the shoreline is strewn with a myriad of colorful blooms, especially magenta Fireweed and the fuzzy, round blooms of tall thistle.
For sale. $5200. Available at The Broadmoor Galleries, 1 Lake Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80906. 719-577-5744, www.broadmoorgalleries.com/darcie-peet/ www.darciepeet.com

5. Seasoned and Shabby, but Center Stage
Darcie Peet
16 x 19.5 inches (L x W)
While visiting friends near Seeley Lake, Montana, we often walked a country, dirt road not too far from their cabin. This tattered barn sat so very visibly “center stage” at the edge of the road, punctuating a small pasture. This late, fall afternoon there was a dusting of snow on the distant Swan Range, and the angles of the shadows, fenceline and irrigation ditch all seemed to point and call attention to this once active part of the ranch. A few, late blooming, lavender asters garnish the setting like a decorative picture frame.
For sale $3000. Available at A. Banks Gallery, 131 E. Main St., Missoula, MT 59802, 406-728-9348, www.abanksgallery.com/darcie-peet/ www.darciepeet.com